They are overlain by fertile scales containing one seed each, embedded on the upper surface.
The fruit is a 5-12 cm diameter aggregate of 15 carpels, each carpel containing five seeds embedded in an edible but fibrous pulp.
The pod contains 20 to 60 seeds, usually called "beans", embedded in a white pulp.
The fruit of the plant, known as Saint Ignatius' bean, contains as many as 25 seeds embedded in the pulp.
The fruit contain many seeds embedded in a pinkish flesh.
The fruit are long, wrinkled and fleshy with the small seeds embedded in the pulp.
It was a seed, embedded in soil.
The plant bears seed pods filled with small, spiny seeds embedded in fine, straight fibers.
Berry Berry, a fleshy fruit with seeds embedded in its pulp.
The fruit flesh is white and creamy, and has numerous dark brown seeds embedded in it.