He wished to be a Christian, but the chiefs of Tonga saw this as a threat to their authority.
New York's most notorious recent cases of police brutality stem from what the officers saw as challenges to their authority.
Needing to consult laboratory workers was seen as a threat to physicians' authority.
"Marcus would see it as a direct challenge to his authority."
British forces saw this as a threat to their authority, and opened fire on the protestors, killing many.
"If you do not drop the man now, Primo, I will see this as a direct challenge to my authority."
The leaders of the old core saw this as a threat to their authority and rejected the new constitution.
He may see your investigation as an additional threat to his authority.
Gracey saw this as a threat to his authority and two days later he closed down the Vietnamese press.
Women have said that the imams appeared to be "less sympathetic" because they saw the women as challengers to their authority.