Approaching it, Joe saw stacks of printed paper that he first thought were currency.
Through the windows I can see stacks of binders in disarray.
He added that he saw stacks of newspapers and propane tanks in the building.
Behind the counter area was an open safe (David saw more stacks of paper but no money, and nothing that looked disturbed).
They stared into the vault, expecting to see stacks of treasure chests and boxes.
Turk saw stacks of money and bonds still on the table, but didn't dare stop for the swag.
Instead, they saw stacks of barricades and a few technicians.
I peered over his shoulder and saw stacks of cards... there had to be hundreds of them.
We saw great stacks of pesos on a table and learned that eight of them made an American buck, or thereabouts.
The first stop is the freezer, where children see large stacks of frozen hamburgers, french fries and other foods.