After seeing so much urban and suburban squalor in other movies, there is something immensely revivifying about the grand open spaces, the broad horizons, and even the changes in weather in "Dances With Wolves."
But I seem to see squalor too, horror and pitiful dearth.
There, sitting in his plush first-class compartment on the mail train, he saw the overcrowding, squalor, and discomfort of a wooden-seated African train on an adjacent platform.
To think that I would live to see such squalor, here, in Italy.
At each holding we saw the Same appalling hardship and squalor, and heard a similar tale of distress: the king's demands, the king's desires, the king's deceits fuelled their suffering.
Early in life he saw the poverty and squalor of many working class in the Midlands.
The boy was star-crazed, filled with the yearning for adventure, unable to see dirt and squalor for what it really was.
In the McNab house, Jeffrey sees gluttony, squalor, racial prejudice, and sloth.
Much of the time, Jack sees the crime and squalor of the streets refracted through memories of a distant, more vital time.
We see squalor and neglect and the consequent lack of civic pride, social engagement and good citizenship.