"You'd be able to see splinters and that in the X-ray?"
She saw splinters of bright, sharp, angry light.
He could see small splinters of light through the boarded window of the infirmary.
She sat down carefully, and looked into her mind, and saw only splinters there.
High-flying aircraft could just be seen: splinters of metal proceeding silently and inscrutably.
She thought she could see splinters of bone sticking out, but realized she must be imagining things.
In the thin light he saw glittering splinters embedded in that broad face he'd so come to hate and blood pouring from around the eyes.
The flesh looked just as bad on that side, and she thought she saw splinters of bone in the torn and bloody meat of him.
The board I'd put my foot on was all bowed down, and I could see fresh splinters stickin up from it.
He saw splinters of light and crumpled across the arm of his commander's seat.