He could smell her; could see black shards of plastic from the radio's case bubbling their way into her flesh.
Since he didn't see or hear shards of glass, he assumed that it was Mike Rodgers blowing the window in.
He looked up to see huge shards of rock flying from the cliff and turned, running.
Neighbors later claimed to have seen shards from the broken lamp, but none of these stories could be verified.
His feet crunched over brittle rocks, and he looked down to see well-chewed shards of bone covering the floor.
Looking within, he saw shards of eggshells.
Bosch could see shards of glass on the dirty sidewalk below the plywood.
He had seen shards of this before - bits and pieces of the puzzle - but here the picture was complete.
But I could also see shards of shattered lifedome, a sputtering drive unit.
He could see shards of broken glass embedded in the concrete at the top of it.