When the men saw reporters approaching, they ran away.
I've seen reporters who ask all the questions and just absorb the answers like some mechanical person.
Tommy had told him he'd be seeing reporters, and that whatever he did he was not to let them provoke him.
The fact is they are used to seeing reporters who represent one side or another - usually whichever has the most money.
I could see reporters with microphones doing their stand-ups in front of the cameras.
"Did he state why he did not wish to see reporters?"
After briefly returning to government service, he dropped from public view and refused to see reporters.
Bosch looked around and saw several reporters, maybe more than the day before.
I've seen plagiarizers, fiction writers and reporters who felt it was beneath them to show up for work at all.
Chief Dale arrived at the school, police officials said, but turned around when he saw reporters and television cameras.