You can see seals, dolphins and porpoises almost all year round, but the whale-watching season peaks in July and August.
It is possible to see dolphins, fin-less porpoises and sea turtles and a variety of colorful tropical fish.
Our small boat allowed us to get quite close, and we thrilled to see playful sea otters, porpoises and puffins.
There are boat trips to the island to see Manx shearwaters, choughs, grey seals, dolphins and porpoises.
This is the primary place to hire boats which take tourists to otherwise-inaccessible beaches, to see porpoises and marine turtles or for deep-sea fishing.
"You saw porpoises, the fin of perhaps a squala," I spoke.
The trips out to the dive sites also offer the opportunities to see Golden Eagles, Sea Eagles and porpoises.
I've seen porpoises and rays passing through the channel, and I especially love to see the wild horses over on the island.
It is a good place to see whales, dolphins, porpoises and basking shark.
Usually, on Wylfa head, you can see porpoises coming up for air.