This period saw his controversial involvement with the collaborationist administration, drafted from among Conservative Party dissidents.
I saw my involvement as a wonderful opportunity to raise awareness and meet similarly inspirational figures.
I was helping him rebuild, but some of the pack saw my involvement as another sign of weakness.
The grants were for long-term projects, but it is unlikely that Kellogg ever saw his involvement in the projects beyond the first year or two.
I saw my involvement at the club as long-term.
Shapiro saw his involvement as a direct continuation of Luther Campbell's activities.
All sides see its involvement in the region as a way of insuring that American markets remain open to Asian exporters.
They see Berezovsky's involvement as another campaign to ruin Putin's reputation internationally.
The northern New Jersey business community sees its involvement as fulfilling a practical goal, aside from helping the needy.
"I think you'll see Mr. Koresh's involvement less, but he's the power behind the scene consistently," he said.