Nebraska saw their dominance slipping after having to come up from 2 games down in the regional semifinals against unseeded Michigan State.
And twice more I came to the same point where I saw my dominance over him, and neither time did I fail to follow the move through.
At this point the directors, who clearly see their dominance in making movies threatened, are outraged.
France saw its dominance on the continent of Europe eroded by Prussia's crushing victory over Austria in the Austro-Prussian War in June-August 1866.
'It had been our ambition for some time to see our dominance in the east of Scotland established without doubt by virtue of a presence in Edinburgh,' says Heggie.
But the company has seen its dominance challenged in what Mr. Schurman calls the "high-performance, high-design seating" category, a category the Aeron chair essentially created.
NBC, which has seen its dominance in prime time fade badly, is now wedded to a firm policy of attracting more young viewers.
Nintendo executives were in no rush to design a new system, but they reconsidered when they began to see their dominance in the market slipping.
How the Ugandan kingdom of Bunyoro saw its dominance challenged by the rise of Buganda.
Certainly these reforms have been very unpopular in rural areas, particularly among the farmers and landowners who have seen their personal dominance finally slipping away in the merger with urban areas.