It is in almost original condition, having seen few modifications over the years.
The station has only seen slight modifications to the since, mostly to lighting and signage.
The 1990s also saw further modifications to the look of the character, with a modified uniform appearing in 1991.
If it were a natural body, then it was one that had already seen some internal tunneling and modifications.
Throughout the tavern's history of more than 180 years, it has seen multiple modifications.
The scoreboard has remained in place ever since, and has only seen minor modifications.
The M1752 saw some later modifications in 1755 and 1757.
However, Grey wants to see modifications in the connecting rods.
The original M1859 version was the form used during the Civil War, and the design saw subsequent modifications.
The original Crossley engines were retained but heavily overhauled and the central saloon saw modifications in the form of a cafe.