In printing, another name for the symbol , see index (typography)
Physically, the classic Ethiopid was of medium height, with a dolicocephalic or mesocephalic skull (see Cephalic index).
IV & V, 1585-1592, 1592-1599, Edinburgh, 1881/1882, see index for two columns of Bothwell references in both editions.
See index on page 7 for extensive list of articles by both William & Mary Ament.
Both names also see "similarity coefficient", "index", and other such variations.
See index on page 43 for full listing.
Hoverbeck's political letters have been reprinted in scientific monographies on history, such as (see index):
See also index of Ceillier, Histoire des auteurs sacrés (Paris, 1868).
Complicating matters is that the composition of the food eaten (see glycemic index) affects intestinal absorption rates.
(In air or water light travels more slowly; see index of refraction)