I saw great big turkeys, geese, guineas, ducks and many others.
My brother Dan, I later learned, felt similarly but changed his mind at 7:30 the following morning when he saw geese flying.
We're used to seeing geese and seagulls, but this didn't look anything like that.
Lawrence Lake is no longer being referred to as "that duck pond," although in fact diners can still see ducks, geese and perhaps a lone swan.
"We saw seven or eight deer & geese, ducks [and] cranes, but couldn't get any."
Depending on the season, visitors can expect to see cormorants, ducks, geese and pelicans.
"Migratory geese are more likely to land where they see other geese," he said.
Peering up, she saw geese flying away from the sun in a vast, crowded formation, skimming through the strip of sky enclosed by the walls.
Seldom Seen geese cost £2.90 per lb.
Not that I've ever seen wild geese, except on a screen.