The gulf is a vibrant natural environment, which has however seen significant damage during the 20th and early 21st century from human use.
As a result it has seen use in a number of conflicts during the late 20th century.
The parish has seen a massive decline in population during the 20th century.
The Jewish community, present since the days of Beverwijck, also saw a rise in population during the 19th century.
It was the capital of the Helvii and became the episcopal see during the 4th century.
France, where the measures were largely invented, saw popular opposition during the early 19th century, though not for long.
Sandøya saw its prime during the 19th century, all the way to the late 1940s.
In this light we see the work of Comas during the mid-twentieth century.
The area saw great success during the 19th century but in 1902 the town was almost entirely destroyed by fire, and never attained its former status.
The parklands saw very little development during the 19th century.