Kirk spun to see several crewmen from a security team standing along the rear bulkhead.
He looked on sardonically as Gail sat at the table surrounded by eagerly admiring staff members who'd seen only each other and supply-plane crewmen for months past.
He saw crewmen heading out to the bow, preparing to tie up.
Later, while still working with La Forge to repair the engines, he begins to see imagery from his dreams while waking, including seeing crewmen with small mouths on their body, and an engineering tool appearing briefly as the cake knife.
A snap and scuff behind her, and from the corner of her eye, Killashandra saw crewmen lifting the crystal container.
Stepping through the doorway, he saw several crewmen milling around.
Goossen also saw several officers and crewmen escaping from the conning tower hatch and they were captured.
He could hear other galleys' drums beating to quarters, see crewmen dashing about the decks of the nearer ships, butstill there was no signal from Earl Mahndyr.
She saw crewmen in the doorway and blasters in action.