"It is obvious to the naked eye if you see them side by side," Brooks says.
At any time, he says, visitors will see city residents and suburbanites side by side.
Bosch looked around and saw the M-16 and his own gun side by side in the water next to the opposite wall.
One day Jiju chanced to look out from behind a screen and saw the two of them side by side.
He stood me before it and we saw our two selves, side by side.
Then I see two others, tiny, side by side in the circle.
Standing up, he could see the newspaper photographs side by side; and it was then that something odd struck him.
If you ever see two side by side, have a look at the details.
There, he saw the shine of metal; two switches, side by side.
On the treeling's skin she saw two bright pink lines side by side.