"They saw their employment fall by 12 percent," he said, meaning one in eight workers lost their jobs.
Open shops have seen business drop by 50 to 90 percent, forcing some layoffs.
By contrast, a family of four with one worker making $250,000 would see its tax bill fall by 13 percent, to $59,187 from $68,031.
But those who held on to the stock for five years saw its worth fall by more than 95 percent, he said.
The company saw sales increase by 59 percent from the previous year, to $1.5 billion.
Over the last three years, the company, which operates nearly 1,400 restaurants in 34 states, has seen its market value decline by about 70 percent.
This state saw its population drop by 137,000, or 4.7 percent, in the 1990 Census, compared with the 1980 count.
Over the past ten years, school programs and activities have seen corporate sponsorship increase by 248 percent.
Similarly educated men saw their average earnings rise by 21.9 percent to $42,057.
The top 50 cities have seen their official unemployment rate decline by 2.5 percent over the past four years.