The camshaft (click on image to see animation).
The big transformation for me was seeing interesting animation - the UPA cartoons in particular were really a completely different change.
The differences however could point to the repeated use of differently-sized falsework structures in the construction of the barrel vaults (see animation below).
See animation here of a simple differential in which and are equal.
An array of other smaller storms and eddies were found throughout the banded clouds (see animation on the right).
In a normal fault (see animation below), the fault plane is nearly vertical.
When a trailer skids to one side, this is known as a trailer swing or trailer slew (see animation to the right).
Before the Festival of Animation it was difficult to see independent or foreign animation.
At the sound, she whipped around and for the first time, he saw animation in her face.
In a standing wave the nodes are a series of locations at equally spaced intervals where the wave amplitude (motion) is zero (see animation above).