You see a political statement here, Major, because you view the situation in political terms.
They wanted to see a positive statement from the Government which demonstrated our commitment to the future of the railways.
I would have to see a financial statement, sir.
I saw a lot of interpretations of what he said, but I've not seen a statement or anything of that nature.
Often one will see a statement that an action "hurts the feelings of the Chinese people."
Incredible as it seemed, over the years no one had seen a financial statement.
Anything less than 5 games is unacceptable, and I'd really like to see a statement made and push for around 10 games.
He added, "When you see a statement that offers hope for the return of the hostages, I want to explore it to the fullest."
Users attempting to access the site see a black screen and a political statement: "Imagine a world without free knowledge."
"I don't even want to see a statement or hear a news report about it," she said.