In 1557 the British Crown thought to stem the flow of seditious and heretical books by chartering the Stationers' Company.
"It's an attempt to reintroduce the licensing laws of the 17th century," which criminalized the publication of treasonable, seditious or blasphemous books.
At length it was resolved to proceed on a capital charge of "devising and circulating seditious books."
For instance the Licensing Act of 1662 was aimed generally at "heretical, seditious, schismatical or offensive books of pamphlets" rather than just erotica per se.
When arrested, he was carrying two seditious books by Barin Ghosh.
Government officials tried to stop her and she was arrested and her home searched for seditious books.
Kat was allowed to rejoin Elizabeth in October 1555, but she was arrested in May 1556 following the discovery of seditious books.
Throughout this period, but particularly in the middle of the 18th century, the Bastille was used by the police to suppress the trade in illegal and seditious books in France.
Roger L'Estrange is granted a warrant to seize seditious books or pamphlets.
In September his house at Gloucester and the houses of Toby Jordan, bookseller at Gloucester, and others, were searched for seditious books.