It is the world's slowest-accumulating sedimentary deposit at around 1μm per 1000 yrs.
This picture is based on evidence derived from studying the shape of the landscape, sedimentary deposits and biological remains.
In most places the original rocks are buried far below more recent volcanic and sedimentary deposits.
"They looked like sedimentary deposits found at a beach on Earth."
This is due in part to the formation of the delta over the last few centuries from the river's sedimentary deposits.
The extended shoreline made by sedimentary deposits is called an alluvion.
The fossils appear to have been preserved when water created a sedimentary deposit in an earlier version of the cave.
The Southern Alps began as sedimentary deposits between 230 and 170 million years ago.
Over the ages, the crystals wash into large sedimentary deposits.
This formation is referred to as a sedimentary exhalative deposit.