This event places an upper bound on the age of the Gran Desierto with the Colorado's major clastic sediment sources.
The tombolo model affirms a constant sediment source and a strong unidirectional or bi-directional (monsoonal) longshore current.
However, basins with different sediment sources cannot be assumed to have the same compaction profiles (because they may have different depositional clay mineralogy).
However, damming and channeling the river has kept it from reaching its natural sediment sources along most of its course.
This is a primary sedimentary bedding structure produced by regular (or rhythmic) changes in the sediment source.
Human activities such as dam construction can interfere with natural sediment flows (thereby reducing riverine sediment sources.)
Generally speaking, there are six potential sediment sources for beach environments.
Onshore transport of sediment is considered a secondary sediment source for the Canterbury Bight.
In contrast beach nourishment can increase sediment source.
The Lesser Antilles convergent margin shows the importance of proximity to sediment sources for trench morphology.