At this time local sediments were eroded away rather than deposited, so there are no rocks in which contemporary local wildlife could have been fossilized.
During the Permian, local sediments were being eroded away rather than deposited, so there are no rocks of this age in which fossils could have been preserved.
Local sediments were eroded away rather than deposited during the Permian, so there are no rocks from this time in which fossils could have been preserved.
These sediments deposited what is now known as the Morrison Formation.
He notes that "sediments from the mid-1980's have PCB levels about a factor of 10 lower than those deposited at the same site a decade earlier."
The sediments deposited precede those of the Anglian Stage and are on top of Beestonian Stage.
The sediments they deposited preserved mastodons and molluscs at Cape Cod.
Dunes move downstream as the upstream slope is eroded and the sediment deposited on the downstream or lee slope in typical bedform construction.
This creates accommodation space into which sediments can deposit, forming a sedimentary basin.
Local sediments were being eroded away rather than deposited during the remainder of the Paleozoic era.