The muscles underlying the skin were really impressively developed, and given the sedentary nature of his profession provided de facto evidence of what must be some pretty grueling workouts.
These stretches or exercises can help to combat reduced blood flow, which can sometimes arise from the sedentary nature of most display-screen work.
The sedentary nature of work and play, combined with poor diets, means that we have to try harder to keep fit.
Raghunandan is an ex-Bank of England employee who resigned his lucrative job because he was bored with the rather sedentary and mundane nature of his work.
Only "Fat City," a deadpan look at obesity in Texas, has a firm grip on the sedentary, suburban nature of the Texas way of life.
Due to its sedentary nature it has never been recorded in Great Britain.
British had an two-category classification system that administratively separated the physically more developed and active ethnic groups from those of a more sedentary nature.
Culturally, the Toucouleur only differ from other Fulas by the sedentary nature of their society.
In spite of their sedentary nature, Antennarius is a voracious carnivore which hunt from an ambush position and gulps down fishes which pass in their "strike area".
It has taken me a lifetime to realize that my sedentary nature has provided me with an avenue of escape.