Smartphones are taking a beating these days from security vendors who seem to release a new report each week about increases in mobile malware.
Of course, just as DiBona pointed out, security vendors have financial motivation to convince smartphone buyers that they're at risk.
Ranked tenth out of 50, and the highest ranked security vendor.
Even if the available handful of security vendors have their own team of researchers for analysis, this is not enough.
Kaspersky Lab, whose anti-virus engine is licensed to many other security vendors, said it would detect the cookie as adware.
"No security vendors are getting richer, and there are a lot of security problems yet to be solved," he said.
But analysts have criticized security vendors for distributing their software through Internet providers.
There is controversy concerning overuse of the term and hyperbole in the media and by security vendors trying to sell "solutions".
Reports in 2006 from the same security vendors show the same file as not containing hostile code.
According to the security vendor, the device, which runs Linux, is not actually infected with either virus-it's just hosting them.