A week ago, those securities were trading at a price to yield 5.24 percent.
A big question for such institutions will be how the new securities will trade.
Before trading resumes, market specialists must determine an appropriate price range in which the security can trade.
The wait has tired many investors, and the securities are trading well below their highs.
The securities may trade at different prices depending on their composition, but they must ultimately add up to the same value.
The company's securities were actively traded on 8th January, 2013, the day the announcement was made.
"People have to understand that these securities don't trade like Treasuries - they are much more volatile," he said.
If such securities are trading below par, this can create a discount in the effective exercise price.
The securities have traded well below that, in the low $60's.
Govpx says it will carry prices on about two-thirds of the $118 billion in Government securities traded daily.