This had an obvious security component, but also an administrative component, in that it prevented users from accidentally changing system settings.
Shares of Verint Systems, a maker of digital security components and systems, fell 11.8 percent in their first day of trading.
Besides the commuters' needs, there is also a security component to be considered.
The thread is a simple looking security component found in most banknotes.
The operating system adds improved file system, drivers, network stack, security components, media and graphics support.
They no longer have a security component.
The maximum security component comprises 15 single cells, separated into a 6 cell unit and a 9 cell unit.
"The United States has to consider what role, if any, we are going to play in that security component."
A MILS solution allows for independent evaluation of security components and trusted composition.
The security component of the CDI compares rich countries on military actions that affect developing countries.