Place wide planks across the joists so you'll have secure working platform.
Make a secure platform to support the new cistern (full weight 237kg).
The developers aim to create and preserve personal privacy by providing a secure platform for building federated social networks.
Yet incumbency ought to be a source of strength, a secure platform from which to project contentious ideas and a sense of priorities.
Here, content providers can offer channels to access whatever content they choose from a secure platform.
ACES allows physicians to have a secure, electronic platform for patients to receive more coordinated medical care.
So we need to look very closely at the bottlenecks ensuring, for example, there is a secure platform for online transactions.
Training skills need to be built up, sustained and improved to provide a secure platform of well-trained users.
StormMQ Limited provides an open, secure platform and the necessary legal protections for data moved through the cloud.
This is the only way to have a stable and secure platform for our energy relationship.