Eve Queler founded the Opera Orchestra of New York in 1971 and has established a secure niche here.
They had produced the newest refinements in food additives to set the neutered worker into a more secure niche.
He had made a momentarily - secure niche for himself in the midst of danger.
For half a millennium, Alberti has occupied a secure niche.
Billboard has added, "With both bargain hunters and serious collectors, the Princeton Record Exchange has established a secure niche for itself."
Pseudoinsects and other tiny animals either slept in secure niches, or they exhibited entirely new morphologies and habits.
A veteran of more than 30 years in television, Ms. Walters has carved a secure niche for herself in the charmed circle of electronic royalty.
Repercussion Theatre has recently found a lasting and secure niche in Westmount.
What then enables Goodspeed to maintain a secure niche on the musical theater map?
Still, fugitives suspected of violent crimes occupy a secure niche.