The absence of adequate financial sector policies could have disastrous outcome, as illustrated by the global financial crisis.
The crisis has challenged conventional thinking in financial sector policies and sparked debate on how best to achieve sustainable development.
Consequently, it seems difficult to draw up a long-term continuous and sustainable sector policy.
In short, public, non-profit and private sector policies have to be guided by a simple message: 'forests are worth more standing than cut'.
Within the executive, sector policies are determined by the Ministry of Environment.
Surely this just suggests that the public sector hiring policy is sexist?
Its strategy must take account of market conditions, current law and public sector policy.
The adoption of a new sector policy based on a demand driven approach in 1997 did not change the situation much.
This is due to the complexity of our own structures, but also to very real inconsistencies between sector policies and interests in the Member States.
Strengthening dialogue on sector policy to encourage implementation of responsible fisheries: that is also very much needed.