Space entrepreneurs and private sector firms are making significant innovations in space travel.
Various Indian private sector firms are involved in the program.
One is contracting out to private sector firms the production of goods and services which the state provides free or at subsidized prices to consumers.
Another alternative would be for the state to pay private sector firms to produce TV and radio programmes.
Earlier this month, the government ruled that private sector firms should reserve at least 15 per cent of jobs for Emiratis, or face a fine.
The winning company will have to tie-up with an Indian private or a public sector firm to acquire components for manufacturing the rest 40 planes.
The report further stated that if event organizers wish to have crowd estimates, they should hire a private sector firm to conduct the count.
The number of private sector firms planning to hire migrants decreased over the quarter to 23pc, down from 32pc in the previous three months.
By the mid-1960s, nearly a thousand private sector firms were involved in various aspects of domestic arms production.