The size of the public sector deficit is one of them, the unemployment rate is not.
The other development which caused consternation was the beginning of large public sector deficits.
Explain the concept of sector deficits and surpluses in an economy.
"The government is still failing to play its part by setting out a credible plan to deal with the biggest public sector deficit of any major economy."
How do you propose to achieve this when there is a substantial public sector deficit?
In Spain, the concern with the public sector deficit put paid to the extremely ambitious 'general railways plan' of 1980.
He argued that measures to cut the public sector deficit were also necessary to reduce inflation, which is running at an annual rate of more than 500 percent.
The public sector deficit and debt levels were under control prior to the 2008 financial crash.
Mexico's creditors have been calling for increased reductions in public spending and the public sector deficit.
The magnitude of the public sector deficit (including that of the public enterprises) had a crowding-out effect on private investment.