The private sector found this to be a worthy cause, and contributed its share in setting up more schools, which were named after their donors.
The private sector alone contributes more than 85% of current investments for a low carbon economy.
The sector also directly contributed S$1.5 billion in taxes in 2009.
The unexpected fall in government pump-priming does suggest that the private sector is finally contributing more to growth.
In the years since the city, county and the private sector have all contributed to maintenance.
It is also noteworthy that this report represents the shared vision of what the sector can contribute to society and to individuals.
In addition, it would have the advantage of making the financial sector contribute.
We must reflect on how agriculture and the agri-food sector can contribute to this.
The sector has been growing by 10 % each year, and contributes to the creation of jobs.
The environmental sector could bring about the creation of new jobs and thereby contribute to increased employment.