In Brampton, Ontario, different sections of town all have streets starting with the same letter and the alphabetical order reflects chronology.
The piece's first two sections reflected the love of patterning shared by many Bauhaus artists.
The above section reflects American usage.
These sections also reflect the breadth of science within geophysics:
The first six sections reflect our foreign policy priorities and show how human rights are central to achieving these.
The zoo also has a Madagascan theme, and the primate section reflects this by specialising in lemurs.
Usually this section will reflect past pupils, known as "Old Epsomians" (OEs).
Entirely new sections reflect political realities, as well as new wine regions around the globe.
The two sections reflect the words "Fischer" (fishermen) and "Jäger" (hunters).
For example, the section on restructuring reflects our desire to strengthen those regions in which sugar cane production is crucial.