In great contrast all three sections conclude with a part accompanied only by basso continuo.
The section concluded, "What may aptly be called the 'cabal of the zealots' was in charge."
But when, as in 1988, wider sections of society conclude that the Government is acting unjustly, the tables can abruptly turn.
More than a hint of this is contained in the example with which the previous section concluded.
The third section ('Palestine') does not conclude the novel so much as make explicit the narrative implications of what has happened so far.
A section for car culture concludes the series.
The first section concludes with a study of Jews as a chosen people.
The section concludes with a full choral treatment of the lyric "Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me!"
This began the practice of the band playing a much longer coda part after the lyrical section concluded.
The section concludes with a refutation of the doctrine of metempsychosis.