The idea is that if Catholic and Protestant children get to know each other, there will be less impetus for sectarian warfare.
If approved, it will drastically revise the political structure of Northern Ireland, where sectarian warfare has killed more than 3,200 people since 1969.
The country has devolved into sectarian warfare, which threatens to destabilize the entire country and region.
Terrorism and sectarian warfare threatened to tear Iraq apart.
The sectarian warfare has killed more than 3,200 people in Northern Ireland in the last 30 years.
The announcement was a further breakthrough in steps to end the sectarian warfare that has racked the province for 25 years.
But evidence is building that it is at least in the early stages of ethnic and sectarian warfare.
Last year it expanded to tamping down sectarian warfare.
This is a history that concentrates less on sectarian warfare and natural beauty than on the complexities of urban life.
Meanwhile sectarian warfare intensified in the province with a total of 62 bodies being recovered between April 3 and 7.