It believes that nationalism is putting the interests of the nation above sectarian interests.
The proposal was designed to free the community school boards of politically partisan, sectarian and special interest influences, all of which have since contributed to confusion.
The region is a mess of competing sectarian and ethnic interests.
Although several Lebanese militias claimed to be secular, most were little more than vehicles for sectarian interests.
The result, he suggested, is that Indians are increasingly compelled to seek fulfillment in groups and thus identify more strongly with narrow sectarian interests.
The agency said grants now would not be denied if they "result in some attenuated or incidental benefit to sectarian interests."
The public good is ignored in favour of sectarian and priveleged interests.
If Shiites present their claims in secular democratic language, the Sunnis will reject them as a cover for sectarian interests.
Some promote narrow sectarian interests even as they purport to advance popular aspirations.
It does mean, though, that in an incredibly partisan parliament where many parties represent sectarian interests, peace carries a price tag.