He had sectarian disputes with Roman Catholic neighbours and was several times prosecuted for minor assaults against them.
Iraq, where a freely elected government has been paralyzed by sectarian disputes, stands as a particularly damaging example.
He returned to Birmingham a few weeks later, but found the town so divided by sectarian disputes that by 1794 he decided to take his three children to America.
During most of this period, the dynasties and their rulers were primarily engaged in familial, regional, and occasionally sectarian disputes.
They don't bog down in theoretical discussion or sectarian disputes.
Unlike dogmatic religion, which lends itself to sectarian disputes, mysticism often claims that there are as many roads to God as people.
The first charge, that of lacking internal consistency, was a commonplace of sectarian disputes.
The stage play Over the Bridge, Thompson's best-known work, charts the tragic course of a sectarian dispute in the shipyard.
The riots came after weeks of sectarian disputes and have been condemned by most people on both sides of the conflict.
Iconoclasm may be carried out by people of a different religion, but is often the result of sectarian disputes between factions of the same religion.