Maurice secretly shared in all the princely conspiracies against the Emperor, who only escaped capture by flight.
It was because she suspected Marta of secretly sharing her feeling of insecurity that she permitted the girl the liberty which would have been unthinkable at home.
Now he suspected that she had chosen him because of his flaws, that she might even secretly share a few of his faults herself.
It was plain that he did not relish the colonel's contemptuous scepticism, which I secretly shared.
Norton was known as an artist of the grotesque and for her interest in the occult and erotica, which Goossens secretly shared.
Abigail - A healer at Lockhaven who secretly shares Midnight's ideals.
Yar Ali Khan tugged his beard truculently and jeered, though he secretly shared their superstitions.
It would have no recourse but to take over the body it secretly shared with an innocent mind.
At the same time, I secretly shared Harrison's distaste for competitive sports in general and Little League in particular.
She secretly shares her body with a monstrous demon.