Young student Inga Danell secretly performs at nightclubs as Linda Loy.
Residues of pagan pantheism survived in the "plowing around" ritual, performed secretly at night by naked women to release the sacred powers of the soil.
Watched by authorities, Flynn secretly performed priestly duties before being arrested and deported to London.
A mind given to fantasy, a tender heart, excessively virtuous and believing; she secretly performs her Christian duties.
She smiled at the thought of her practical, matter-of-fact father secretly performing sorcerous rituals.
My brain might be unhinged, but it could not conceivably compete with the Station's giant computer and secretly perform calculations requiring several months' work.
Monks who did not flee and avoided execution lived among the laity, sometimes secretly performing Buddhist rituals for the sick or afflicted.
During World War II he secretly performed banned Polish music in Warsaw.
But while he laughed he secretly performed problems in mental arithmetic.
In other parts of Iran, the musicians who perform secretly at weddings and other parties still find themselves subject to periodic crackdown.