Dennis, 91, secretly ordered the chair for Ellen, 89, as a special surprise after learning how much she wanted one.
Then, the king secretly orders the pair to find the portrait of his father painted by Kang Su-hang ten years prior.
Erstwhile, Olmec secretly ordered his two warriors to slay Conan.
When the disaster had reached its highest point, he secretly ordered us onto a boat prepared for this purpose, amply provisioned and well-supplied.
However, Hermann Göring, head of the Luftwaffe, secretly ordered the program to continue.
Mengistu secretly ordered Selassie's murder and had him buried in an unmarked grave.
The emperor, who knew how the army loved St. Andrew, feared a rebellion, thus freeing them, while secretly ordering their execution on different pretexts.
Yang secretly ordered the three of them to watch over Cui carefully.
Jason and Elizabeth secretly order a paternity test.
Thus, the original meaning of the Latin subornare is "to secretly order," a concept snatched up by lawyers.