The chances are that inside you'll find a cafe where men are secretly drinking tea, smoking cigarettes and eating snacks; it's something like a Ramadan speakeasy.
The officials note, too, that many under-age students are drinking secretly, and often more recklessly, in their dormitory rooms, despite the growing availability of alcohol-education programs.
One way he vents his hostility toward Hélène is by secretly drinking during the trip.
January 10: Owen falls ill from copper oxide poisoning after secretly drinking from the previously untouched barrel of fresh water.
He started, almost guiltily, as if he had been drinking secretly and she would smell the fumes on him.
Ma poured the rest of the canned milk in a cup and sneaked it to Rose of Sharon to drink secretly in a corner.
Because of this experience and Kaleo continuing to secretly drink blood from her, Christine is mentally scared.
"She'd been drinking secretly for some time ... and that means her nerves were shot to pieces," said Sharpe.
Puff secretly drinks heavily and patronizes prostitutes.
Characteristic is a reluctance to admit the quantity consumed, drinking secretly alone, and taking gradually increasing amounts.