Scenting a billion-dollar profit, Jimmy secretly backed Strode.
In some cases, measures that a government does not want to take responsibility for may be introduced by backbenchers, with the government secretly or openly backing the measure and ensuring its passage.
In telephone interviews last week, several chefs hinted that they secretly backed Yao Ming's stand.
Later in 2367, during the Klingon Civil War, the Romulans secretly backed the House of Duras.
Controversy arose as rumor spread that General Arthit Kamlang-ek was secretly backing the party.
At this point, O'Neill did not join O'Donnell in open rebellion, but secretly backed him in order to enhance his bargaining power with the English.
While Morgan continued to vilify Hogan, it was insinuated that Hogan was just trying to rile him up, while secretly backing him.
The entire group is captured but manage to break out when it is revealed that Mistress Armada was secretly backing the coup.
Balena continues to provide assistance to the government, but it is also secretly backing the Indies rebel group.
He declared that O'Regan was secretly backing Spink's suit against him.