There was also, tucked down a passage, in a secretive way, a television room for those who asked for it.
Thousands - millions of people were mad, in a secretive way.
He reminded her of a weasel with his quick, secretive ways.
Especially fascinating is the almost secretive way the harmony changes in the first bar.
She could tell by the secretive way he studied her over the rim of his own glass.
Ending the secretive ways was a common demand among many protesters here and became a top priority for the Clinton administration.
But he clearly is a spy who has come in from the cold, ready to shed some of his secretive ways.
"Come up to my room," he said in his secretive way.
The spending issue is made more controversial by the secretive way the Government manages its reserves.
It does not help that the industry itself acts in a secretive way when a problem occurs.