Accompanied by their fearless pets, the children descend through a secret trapdoor into a strange underground world of mushrooms, whose green inhabitants know only one word: "OG!"
The Jew helps Monçada escape through a secret trapdoor into an underground passage.
It is also rumoured that every residence once had a secret trapdoor nearby leading to the tunnels.
Multiple Joes appearing from a secret trapdoor did not help.
Then they climb back down through their secret trapdoors and vanish into hidden tunnels beneath The Black Sun's floor.
On January 12, 2009, Setola evaded arrest by escaping into the sewers through a secret trapdoor during a police raid on his hideout.
It hovered over the secret trapdoor.
Afterward, Daddy lifts the carpet to reveal a secret trapdoor with the previous abductees still inside.
'Rex is probably cogitating upon the secret trapdoor,' said Fergus Shaman, casually.
A secret trapdoor leads them via an aqueduct to a storage room in the British Museum, which has had many statues stolen from it.