When they abandoned them, those mysterious passageways became caves for bandits, until gradually La Justicia and other secret sects took over the buried entrails of the city.
Later on, the pilgrims find shelter for the night on a farm while a secret Priscillian sect is meeting nearby.
Yet he and his cronies were members of the secret sect known as the Lucifer League.
Members of a secret sect?
Was this grotto a place of worship for a secret sect?
Tantra is the pointman of the Dark Rangers (Negative in Japan) a secret sect within the rangers that specializes in assassinations.
They're a secret sect.
Supplementing the officially sanctioned mosques were thousands of private houses of prayer and many secret Islamic sects.
He did not do it for the Greeks and he did not do it because he was a member of a secret socialist sect.
A serious internal threat to the Seljuqs during their reign came from the Ismailis, a secret sect with headquarters at Alamut between Rasht and Tehran.