The two men donned robes and engaged in secret mystical rites.
Fire usually plays an important role in secret rites.
Would you want strangers at secret rites in your backyard?
And they had suspended their secret rites following an edict against religious societies.
Some of his followers formed a commune outside Paris, where they wore special uniforms and performed secret rites.
But it turned out that no more than half a dozen men in all were eager to be introduced into the secret rites of the Cabiri.
When the subject came up, Proteus felt a deep, instinctive reaction that he would be wise to avoid taking part in any secret rites himself.
They are the material expression of the most secret rites, passed down from one generation to the next.
No disaster could be so great as that of a woman seeing the men's secret rites.
She had only seen him dressed that way at the "secret" rites of the Keldara.