Try the secret potion used by China's record-setting runners, available soon at a supermarket near you.
Little Rubble, Big Trouble - Barney turns into a mean bully when he mistakenly drinks one of Philo's secret potions.
"There's no secret potion," Gwynn said.
But enough of his teammates found the secret potion and guzzled it.
It is deeply magical and mystical, preaching that through proper diet, exercise, meditation and, sometimes, secret potions, one can achieve immortality.
The coach gestured and shouted at a roomful of Chinese and Western reporters and even hawked his secret potions and training techniques to the highest bidder.
Rumours abounded of some secret potion, but Ben Shepherd was young by nature.
Softspoken Pappy Yokum tells Abner that he has a secret potion which will make Abner want to marry Daisy Mae.
In both stories, the main character mistakes a secret potion for his medicine and gains superhuman powers.