In some cases, the eventual successful bidder would then reward them with a secret payment.
Mr. Kohl has admitted accepting just over $1 million in secret payments between 1993 and 1998.
This, again, was the mortgage on the initial secret payment of 1968.
The term has come to refer to any secret payment made to cast a product in a favorable light (such as obtaining positive reviews).
Government prosecutors said investors were given financial guarantees or secret payments to get them to buy large blocks of Guinness stock.
Neither of the search locations had yielded a single clue to the reason for the secret payment to the two advocates.
Investment houses received secret payments from companies they gave strong recommendations to buy.
Then the press smells a scandal, and soon he is forced to admit secret payments.
Later that year, Mr. Siegel asked for the first secret payment.
He paid no income taxes on the secret payments.