In order to elicit business, some agencies would send secret operatives into a prospective client's factory without permission.
The Pinkertons provided services for management in labor disputes, including armed guards and secret operatives like Charles A. Siringo.
What about the Cuban woman Sylvia Odio, who says Oswald and two secret operatives visited her on a certain night in Dallas in September 1963?
The lives of the secret operatives involved must be protected.
Since no independent review of the classified documents is allowed, there is nothing to prevent a President from scuttling any charges brought against his secret operatives.
The idea of space bases piloted by secret military operatives sounds like something out of the latest bestselling thriller.
In a stay-behind operation, a country places secret operatives or organisations in its own territory, for use in the event that the territory is overrun by an enemy.
Nobody in the Pentagon hinted that some might have been secret operatives or that the charter company, Arrow Air, might have been doing more than routine transport work.
As a result, the Richard Nixon administration organized and inserted secret operatives in Chile, in order to quickly destabilize Allende's government.
Wall Street began using secret operatives before other industries did, this official said, because of the tremendous amount of money involved in daily transactions.